SwiftUI Jam presented by DetailsPro
NOVEMBER 5th-7th, 2021

A weekend code jam to stretch your skills


FREE for all to participate. Beginners welcome.

Build an app

Form a team or go solo and develop a SwiftUI app. No goal is too small.

Accomplish something over a weekend

Practice your short term planning/executing skills. Been procrastinating? Finally carve out some time to write more SwiftUI.

Get social with us

Join your fellow participants in solidarity through Discord text/voice/video chats and livestreamed events during the jam.

Show your work

Post your app to our directory at the end of the jam and we'll make a gallery of entries.

Win awards

Participants who provide sample code with their submissions can qualify for jam awards.

Win awesome prizes

Throughout the jam we raffle prizes like HomePod Minis just for tweeting your progress as you participate.




Join on your own. You can always add others later

(MAX 5)

Jam with up to 5 team members, including yourself.


Help multiple teams with their design needs.


Form a team with others looking to make new friends





230 +



Fri Nov 5 - 10:30AM ET

Opening Ceremonies Livestream

Multiple speakers

Nov 5 - 6:00PM ET

Prize Raffle

Sat Nov 6 - 11:00AM ET

Morning Livestream and Raffle

Multiple speakers

Sat Nov 6 - 6:00PM ET

Prize Raffle

Sat Nov 6 - 9:00PM ET

Movie Night - Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5 Conference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvhW8cp15tk

Sun Nov 7 - 11:00AM ET

Morning Livestream and Raffle

Multiple speakers

Sun Nov 7 - 6:00PM ET

Closing Ceremonies Livestream and Raffle



We acknowledge diversity in submissions and open sourcing through our awards blog after the jam.

Awesome Animations Award

SwiftUI animation award

Good Game Award

SwiftUI game award

Brilliant Blog Award

Submission with an accompanying explainer blog

UI Elementalist

A submission that is a UI Element

Wild Wild Widget

SwiftUI Widget

Comedian Award

For app humor

Little Code, Big Impact

Honouring apps that aren't just about code quantity

Platform Pro

Cross-platform functionality

Swift Package Master

A submission that is a Swift Package

Accessibility Artisan

A submission that has paid special attention to making the app accessible


Check out #swiftuijam on Twitter for more


Join us for the next jam. Add your email to be notified when registration opens, or follow us on Twitter.


Absolutely anyone who wants to code some SwiftUI.

From beginner to seasoned Swift veteran, we encourage all to participate.

If you are a beginner we recommend trying a course like 100 Days of SwiftUI prior to the jam. We will also have clearly marked channels for beginners to get help, connect with others and share your learning progress.

There is no minimum.

If this jam helps you carve out a few hours over the weekend to try something in SwiftUI, that's a success.

If your employer lets you use Friday afternoon to join us and explore some SwiftUI, that's a success.

This jam is about setting and achieving a personal goal within your comfort zone. It is also our intention to have varied awards that don't overencourage grinding.

Nope. Everyone is a winner because we all have SwiftUI apps at the end đŸŽ‰đŸŸ

Awards are intended to encourage variety in submissions and open source code sharing. There is no single correct way to participate.

Definitely! We would love to have participants from across the world. If you want to code some SwiftUI, join us.

It is okay to depend on other Swift Packages in your app. If old code you have written is for non-UI related purposes and can be modularized this is okay too. 100% of the SwiftUI app code should be new to the jam.

No, but we have a compromise:

Try isolating a UI problem you haven't solved for your app yet. Make the jam about making that one component awesome and reusable.

Submit your SwiftUI component to our gallery and then incorporate it into your main codebase after the jam.

It is acceptable both to use public APIs or even your own backend. Keep in mind that if you use public APIs and submit your code you should omit your personal API Key from the submitted code.

In advance of the jam, it is acceptable to have already met and formed a plan of action with your team. We encourage you to do this to prevent wasting hours during the jam deciding what/how to build. However, please DO NOT code or design in advance.

We rely on our community to respect the spirit of the event. This jam is mostly about setting and achieving personal goals in solidarity with others.

Absolutely! We encourage you to keep working on these projects after the fact, but in a separate git repo from your submission if you choose to share your code for awards eligibility.

At the end of the jam, you will have the opportunity to create a gallery entry for your team's app. You'll be able to point to git code, images and videos that demonstrate your app's functionality in addition to the App Store url. Awards will be determined in the following weeks and announced.

Try committing to completing a portion of a SwiftUI course like 100 Days of SwiftUI as your jam goal.

We will also have clearly marked channels for beginners to get help, connect with others and share learning progress.

SwiftUI Jam is modelled closely after the Toronto Game Jam (www.tojam.ca). Volunteers for the SwiftUI Jam have participated in this event in the past and were inspired to try bringing the same energy to the SwiftUI Community.

Scientifically speaking, yes. For this jam no one is forcing you to do anything, but we are confident you'll get much better results from maintaining a regular schedule with sufficient sleep, breaks, excercise and diet. The jam is not a reason to forgo self-care and we do not encourage grinding.

The Art of Managing Expectations in Relationships

In the journey of life, managing expectations is akin to navigating a ship through both calm and stormy seas. This skill is especially crucial in the realm of relationships, where the clash between expectation and reality can either fortify bonds or lead to disillusionment. The complexity of human connections, highlighted by the multifaceted interactions within the world of professional escorts, offers profound insights into the significance of tempering expectations.

Charlotte escorts exemplify the importance of understanding and realism in interpersonal engagements. By examining the art of managing expectations, this article explores how reducing these anticipations can enhance relationship satisfaction, encourage authenticity, and foster more meaningful connections.

Recognizing the Weight of Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations can act as an anchor, dragging down the potential for genuine joy and contentment in relationships. Whether it's romantic partnerships, friendships, or professional connections, the pressure of unmet expectations can strain bonds and obscure the value of the present moment.

Learning from the Escort-Client Dynamic

Clarity and Realism: In the interactions betw

een escorts and their clients, expectations are communicated clearly from the outset, setting the stage for encounters that are both satisfying and devoid of disillusionment. This pragmatic approach—wherein both parties understand and agree upon what is to be expected—can be a valuable lesson in personal relationships. By establishing clear expectations, individuals can avoid the pitfalls of assumption and the disappointment that often follows unmet hopes.

Appreciating the Moment: Escorts' ability to focus on the present interaction, providing an experience that is valued for what it is rather than what it might lead to, underscores the importance of appreciating relationships for their current state. This perspective encourages a reduction in the pressure placed on every interaction to meet lofty expectations, allowing for a more authentic and enjoyable connection.

Fostering Authenticity and Open Communication

At the heart of managing expectations lies the need for authenticity and open communication. These elements are crucial for creating an environment where expectations can be adjusted, understood, and, when necessary, renegotiated.

The Importance of Honesty

Being True to Oneself and Others: Authenticity in expressing one’s feelings, desires, and limitations is key to setting realistic expectations. Just as escorts communicate their boundaries and what they can offer, individuals in personal relationships must be honest about their capabilities and needs. This honesty lays the groundwork for mutual understanding and respect, which are essential for managing expectations.

Continuous Dialogue: Open communication is not a one-time event but a continuous process that adapts as the relationship evolves. Regular check-ins and discussions about each other’s needs, expectations, and experiences ensure that both parties remain aligned and can adjust their expectations as necessary.

Embracing Flexibility and Resilience

Adopting a flexible mindset towards expectations is akin to setting the sails to catch the wind—ready to adjust to changing circumstances. Flexibility, coupled with resilience, prepares individuals to face the reality of relationships with a positive and adaptable attitude.

Adapting to Change

Welcoming the Unpredictable: Life is inherently unpredictable, and relationships are no exception. Embracing this uncertainty with openness and a willingness to adapt expectations accordingly can lead to deeper understanding and connection.

Learning from Disappointment: Disappointments, when expectations are not met, are inevitable. However, they also offer opportunities for growth and learning. By approaching these moments with resilience, individuals can glean insights into their own needs and how to better communicate and adjust their expectations in the future.


Managing expectations in relationships is a delicate balance that requires clarity, honesty, and a willingness to adapt. The escort-client relationship, with its clear boundaries and pragmatic approach to expectations, offers valuable lessons in how reducing anticipations can lead to more fulfilling and authentic connections. By embracing the principles of open communication, authenticity, flexibility, and resilience, individuals can navigate the complexities of relationships with greater ease and satisfaction. In doing so, they unlock the potential for connections that are rooted in understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect, transcending the constraints of unrealistic expectations.


Thank you DetailsPro for being our Presenting Sponsor. Thanks to DetailsPro we can cover all operating expenses and improve every aspect of the jam from speakers, to prizes to swag.

Never miss a great design idea with DetailsPro, the SwiftUI design tool that you can take with you on iPhone and iPad. Pick the perfect fonts, symbols, and layout without writing any code. Export designs to Xcode. Download today free on the App Store.

Learn More
Thank you to Scotiabank for being our Prize Sponsor. Thanks to their contribution we are giving away HomePod Minis, AirTags and more through the jam.
Thank you Marketcircle for being our Swag Sponsor and giving us the opportunity to provide attendees a memento from the jam. Participants will be mailed a SwiftUI Jam laptop sticker.

Marketcircle is a software company that develops the award-winning Mac and iOS CRM, Daylite, available exclusively for Apple devices. We’re a fully remote company that empowers team members with the freedom and flexibility to work the best way for them. Join our mighty team and make an impact by working for a small company that values autonomy and working collaboratively to solve challenging problems with the latest tools (including SwiftUI).

Learn more about career opportunities